Bill Assistance
- Bishop Sullivan Center
- 6435 Truman Rd
- (816) 231- 0984:
- Mon- Thurs 9 am- 4 pm (call for appointment)
- 3936 Troost Ave
- (816) 561- 8515
- Mon- Thurs 9 am- 4:30 pm (call for appointment)
- Catholic Charities Welcome Center:
- 4001 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Ste. 250:
- (816) 221- 4377
- Calls taken on Mondays @ 8:30 am (first come, first served)
- Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry:
- 3031 Holmes:
- (816) 931- 0027
- Call for appointment
- SAVE, Inc.:
- (816) 531- 8340 ext. 200
- The Salvation Army:
- (816) 561- 8484
- Rent and utility assistance
Posted in Kansas City Care Resource List
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